Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Requiem for Bill Clinton

Todd Purdum's Vanity Fair article confirms for me all the impressions I've had of Bill Clinton over the years. I could never believe that people bought the shows he put on during the elections of the nineties. I wouldn't want to say that he did not do some good during his years in the presidency.

Some thoughts:
1. The requiem for Bill is a requiem for the boomers, this generation that either can't smell out hypocrisy or, I've come to believe, really doesn't care.

2. Bill, for all his political genius, can't handle the internet generation, the world where everything you say will be played somewhere on youtube.

3. I don't see the sexism angle at all. I think Geraldine Ferraro embarrassed herself. I would be delighted for a woman to be president. Hillary herself convinced me that this was not the time.

4. I don't begrudge Hillary continuing on until this point. But she and Bill don't have some divine right to be king. The lack of press coverage is now because she's lost. It doesn't feel good to lose, but you just have to deal with it.

I think a new day is dawning in American politics, a day I welcome. I think the rising generation of voters is fed up with the older generation of Republicans and Democrats. Whether you like Obama's perspectives or not, I believe his way of doing politics reflects where the next generation of voters is going.

1 comment:

Keith Drury said...

it has been 19 days since you've commented on political matters.. I miss them ;-)