Sunday, June 22, 2008

For Keith--the Hullaballoo over Obama and Campaign Finance

This one is for Keith.

I caught the beginning of Meet the Press this morning before church. Moment of silence for Tim Russert. Shocking that he's gone. He was the classic nerd--man did he like politics. He was constantly giddy like a school boy, just a little too excited about his white board. But I really did think he was one of the most neutral people around. He loved the game for the game, regardless of who the players were. To this day I don't know what his personal positions were.

So Meet the Press was debating Obama's decision to opt out of the government campaign money. McCain's camp is all up in arms about him flip flopping.

GOOD GRIEF! How many times has McCain changed his positions this election!!!! The most recent I know of was his reversal on off shore drilling. I'm not sure what I think about this, but good grief McCain has changed positions from 2000 so many times he's the last person who has room to talk.

Of course Obama shouldn't try to pretend he's not taking money because the system is broke. Come on, the grass roots people like him, there's no shame in that. On the other hand, he is quite right to point out that doing this is not going back on his claim about special interest groups. The common person has been his money bag... and the common person will elect him.

I'm not saying what kind of president he will be, except that he'll be different.


Keith Drury said...

Thanks for the post!

I too "don't get it" when politicians (McCain or Obama or whomever) are somehow not supposed to change their stance on any issue--ever. It seems to me that means one never grows or learns they were wrong--ever!

Who knows--when Gas hits $14 a gallon even Adam Thada will call for drilling IN ANWR, everywhere offshore and his own backyard!

I personally don't appreciate much Bush2 but I admire his guts in changing positions on global climate changes... right down to classifying Polar Bears as endangered... It seems to me that only unthinking non-learning fools keep the positions they held at age 16... (or 60).

But I agree with you on the "spin." I'd rather Obama say, "Gee, we saw there was more money available from average people than government funding." And I wish McCain would say "Gee, when gas gets this high we ought to start drilling everywhere" than find some other spin for the change.

Thanks again for a peice of your mind.

::athada:: said...


Well, probably never.