Monday, March 24, 2008

Clinton under fire... or not

I'm hoping that Saturday Night Live will take advantage of Hillary Clinton's story telling last week. She was reminiscing about her great experience as President's wife, the good old days of landing in Bosnia under sniper fire and not being able to go through the welcome ceremony in the run for safety. Video of the welcome showed her and Chesley happily greeting people, including a smiling young girl.

Oops! Here's the scoop:

Meanwhile, we're at 4000 casualties, 97% of which have taken place since Bush declared mission accomplished. I can only imagine the shredding of paper and cover ups taking place right now behind the scenes in fear that Obama or Clinton will be elected. I bet Bush and Cheney have more interest in McCain getting elected than supporting their party.

I wouldn't be surprised if we find them both in prison in a couple years if McCain doesn't win. I will not be surprised at all if we find out after the fact that this has been the most corrupt administration of recent times.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you see the Frontline special this week, "Bush's War"? The fiasco was even worse that I expected, and that is really bad.