Monday, January 28, 2008

Can't Teach a New Dog Old Tricks

Apparently Bill Clinton's stump speeches for his wife failed in South Carolina. The press of course had a hand in it, for they were discussing his antics out where everyone could see them. The result apparently was to push the South Carolina primary even more in Obama's direction that it would have been.

Now, mind you, my political eyes in 1992 and 1996 were a little different than they are now. But I have never thought of Bill Clinton as an ideological purist. I do think of Hilary more in those terms (no disrespect intended by the first name, but the fact it is what comes out first says something about America's conception of her).

To me, Bill Clinton has always been a slick talker, someone who confuses most people with a barrage of figures and sentimental stories that impresses the average individual but may in fact mean absolutely nothing. John Edwards has his flavor to me this election.

But it seems to me that we're into a new generation. The Boomers don't seem to get hypocrisy the way the Millennials do. (We GenXers never made a difference because we were sitting in front of the TV with our 2 liters not paying attention). I saw a microcosm of this at a church I was at where everyone in that generation seemed to coo and oo and ah a certain pastor that to me was obviously faking it. He was later found in a hotel room with one of the church members.

So go on Clinton if you want, try the same old same old with the Boomers. Maybe you'll convince enough of them to vote for your wife. But for me, if I were to vote for your wife, I would have to block you out of my mind. For me, you're making me think--"Who's running for office anyway?" and "Isn't she big enough to run for herself?" and "You're a fake."

Did I mention that Ted Kennedy is endorsing Obama today?


Keith Drury said...

Few things weaken a women in leadership than a male running interference for her... I just wish Bill would go home.

::athada:: said...

Obama also got JFK's daughter's endorsement.

Ken (sorry, it's just the first thing I think to call you) have you read Coupland's "Generation X"?

Ken Schenck said...

I haven't read it... Should I?

::athada:: said...

If you want to read an excellent and disturbing author, and the man who popularized the very term, than yes. Blake Chastain is a big fan.

Just say the word and it will be brought hither to Cathedral.

Ken Schenck said...

Wait... Blake may have actually given me a copy before he left. Time to dig in the un-unpacked boxes...