Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Gerald Ford's funeral

I've been amazed at the praise that has been poured out on Gerald Ford this last week. He has been interestingly silent all these years--his opinion of Bush's invasion of Iraq only came out posthumously!

He is a man who's identity in my mind has largely amounted to three things:

1. The only president who was never elected.
2. The guy who pardoned Nixon.
3. The guy Chevy Chase made fun of the first season of Saturday Night Live by falling all over the place.

The last one is deeply ironic since Ford was one of the most athletic presidents we have ever had--one article said the most athletic.

I heard part of Kissinger's eulogy on him today. It sounds like he was a deeply virtuous person. Indeed, although I probably agree with much of what Jimmy Carter is saying these days, Ford's silent disagreement may win him a legacy of honor and virtue that surpasses Carter's.

We'll see.

1 comment:

Scott D. Hendricks said...

I'm watching the Grand Rapids news right now, and there are 60,000 people in G.R. viewing the late President Ford's casket in his presidential museum. The line is currently 8 hours long.