Friday, October 27, 2006

Mid-term elections

It is my opinion that we are witnessing pay back. This mid-term election is not about the Democrats. It's about the Republicans. It's about a hubris that thought it could do anything it wanted without having to listen to the other side. It's about riding the wave of unbridled nationalism after 9-11 that gave the Bush administration and all the most radical right wingers a blank check without fear of recrimination...

Until now. The Republicans are going to lose this election big time in the House and they may just lose the Senate as well. The truth about Bush's foreign policy is now inescapable. Any who are still holding out can wait a year to reread this post. They'll agree with me then.

"How have the mighty fallen," we will say on the evening of November 7. Humility was what was needed. A willingness to listen to those disempowered. Instead the Congress and president did whatever they pleased and ignored the other side.

This is justice and it doesn't care whether we're looking at Republicans or Democrats.


Anonymous said...

As a lifelong Republican I am surprised, hurt, and embarrassed at the last 12 years. Everything that I liked about the party philosophy (freedom, fiscal responsibility, fairness) seems to have been chucked out the window. They were given the opportunity to do things right and failed miserably.

Perhaps the GOP is better suited as the loyal opposition, restraining the excesses of the other guys and gals.

Glenn Knepp said...

As a Democrat I fear that the GOP will not be kicked out of power as you predict. Most of the races Dems once led by large margins are now down-to-the-wire races. We'll see.

Ken Schenck said...

I think David Letterman put it best when he said that John Kerry can lose elections he isn't even in.
