Friday, September 22, 2006

The Pope Vs. The Middle East

This is for you, Craig.

Is the bulk of the Middle East Muslim world mad? The Pope quotes someone who takes parts of the Quran to advocate violence. Then in protest to what he said, they burn churches and Al Qaeda targets him!

If it weren't so serious, it would be funny! Actually, from where I sit in northern South Dakota, it is pretty darn funny. But I noticed Leno didn't go for the juggler--probably for fear of death threats and such. You can make fun of Christians all you want... but be careful about making fun of Muslims!

What were they thinking? We'll show the Pope is wrong about some Muslims being violent by burning churches? We'll show the Pope is wrong by killing him?

Clearly it's not about being right or wrong. It's about daring to critique them. Of course these protesters do not represent all Muslims.

Some are upset that the Pope has not withdrawn his comments, only apologized for offending them. But if the Pope believes that what he said is true, he can't withdraw his comments. He has to speak the truth. You or me, we might say, "You know what, I must have misunderstood." But the Pope can't deny what he believes is the truth... he's the Pope.

Sometimes it's good to be Galileo. Sure, sure, the sun goes around the earth...

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